I’m learning ….. that
I always need to have an exit strategy which includes an exit narrative and I’m working out the difference between that and a balanced look at things. It’s not easy work.
It’s dark out and gloomy, but I don’t feel that way. My storms are calm. For now.
“But I’d follow you to the great unknown. Off to a world we’d call our own.” I want to watch this movie. It’s been awhile. That and the movie UP are on my mind. This blog is my attempt to not lose myself in the fray.
I am lost, I am found. I’m a walking contradiction that’s hard to be around.
So many changes around me and the seasons are the least of it. “So I’d risk it all just to be with you.” Yeah did that. Not anymore. I wouldn’t risk the stability of my kids and I for anything again. I have to work daily at self forgiveness. It becomes a way of life, not some singular moment.
Forgiveness and compassion for self. It starts there, and I learned very little of it. I have to start from scratch.
Left right left right. One foot in front of another. The most simple part of my day. Me with me. Walking.
Gentle walking. Tears falling. Tension releasing. Surrender walking. White flag walking. Calm talking. Rhythmic rocking. No tik tokking. Lol. Have to play a little. A little lighter.
The rain begins to fall. I don’t know it all.
When I don’t I’m not safe. You try it the way I’ve had it and see how you do.
Coming to grips blow by blow continuously seeking flow.
Here comes the rain. Don’t know how hard it will be. Will I drown?!
One mile is pretty good for a migraine day. One migraine for a holiday month is pretty good. My stats are going pretty well. Maybe I’ll make it two, you never know.
But I do.
It’s only rainy not raining, not pouring. The difference is important. Nuance is important. Understanding is important. Black and white is dangerous.
Just breathe Christina. Breathe. The only thing you need to do is be yourself, who you truly are, and be honest about that, and what you want and need.
Why is that so fucking hard.
You know why.
You’re seeing my chat with my higher self in real time. It’s ok to have an exit strategy, but decide what the criteria is for using it or not. You get to decide. You don’t have to decide: you get to. It’s a privilege, not your sole responsibility. It never was.
What I Have. Kelsea Ballerini. Cuz I got a roof over my head, I’m doing alright right where I’m at with what I have.
The simple things like making a stir fry on a rainy day. Simplify. When all your mind does is complicate, simple is bliss.
One more loop. One more mile. One more tear slips down my face. One more epiphany. One more day of life at least. It’s not a burden it’s a gift. You’re not bad Christina. Not emotionally uncaring or shut down or cold. Unclench.
It’ll be ok. How do you want me to believe that when it never was. Let alone want me to say that to you. I don’t know how. Help me.
Have you ever actually been unsafe?!
You don’t have to be to feel that way I’m learning. The mind can play cruel tricks, but it can also heal.
A beautiful mind and a wounded heart are a difficult combination.
Gifted but only in the right places. Threatening in others.
I’m not bad. It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t yours either.
Misunderstandings are a prison. Don’t let your mind be.
Plant a garden. You plant so many flowers. All of my plants die. Argue argue argue.
Minds a mess. A mind at rest.
Lay with me….
B12 injection in Fairfield. So many memories there. My first office. It took so long to feel real. Like that was my life and not a fantasy.
Surreal every day. Until the truth finally sets in. It takes so long for that to happen.
It takes all the consistency there never was, and follow through on the build.
Don’t abandon this project, she’s going to be great. She always was.
The world may, you may, but I never will. I’m right here.
These days I’m working on my relationship with myself. It requires a lot of healing and many optimal conditions for that.
My heart requires it.
So if you want a place at this table inquire within if you can be congruent without.
Meet me here if you dare.
More art. Less war. Open heart on firm ground.
Kiss me
But only if you know me, see me, understand me….