It’s Sunday and if you know me you know that Sundays are for blogging and for finishing books respectively. Or starting them, or just having them sit near you in a stack like the best friends you’ve ever had.
Always there for you…. always there for you like the magnolia trees, the Sunday grocery shopper who loves me, my found family new and old. Always there for you like coffee and notepads and spring time and fall. The latter fleeting but they will always return and you will appreciate them more because they are temporary yet consistent parts of your existence you can actually depend on.
I’m finishing up Words on Bathroom Walls the book today and it’s making me think of so many things. The way we can find parts of ourselves in the stories of other people. Mirrors. Stories can be mirrors. We can take what helps and leave the rest.
Maya has just yelled at Adam for not letting her choose for herself if she can handle “his crazy”, and told him she deserves more than a crappy email, and does he love her…. well then she gets to decide.
Adam shows me how important belonging is to a human being and how hard it feels to accept belonging when you come with things that could be perceived as making life more difficult simply by existing.
Adam and I share a lot in common, and I’ve gotten lost in terms of believing in my value and sticking to that, accepting less than I deserve and being hard on myself for things that are normal and natural to ask for. I’m working through that now and staying with myself, my needs and wants.
The right things will show up naturally and be safe and secure on their own without having to work so hard. Like Adam and Maya. Just the two of them and seeing one another and accepting them as they are. It works and feels good, and the only complication is each battling with their worth based on their own struggles, regardless however they choose one another and they show up. There’s a power in that. It’s something I look forward to.
My latest homework from my energy healer was to essentially dream from the now versus getting lost in old stories of things I’ve been through. I get lost in the pain and story and go back there. I’m not going back there. I’m going forward. I have worked so hard to arrive to the point where I can go forward. I will not hold myself back in the name of these old thoughts and this old self.
What are my dreams and letting them take shape! I’m getting there.
This morning I watched a video with Abby and Glennon Doyle Wambach and Abby is distressed that her nail clippers are missing. She emphatically states how things have a place and she keeps them there and she lives with Glennon who is haphazard and comes with children. And I sat and thought about how it’s ok, she isn’t going to leave because the kids touched her nail clippers. And how many years I’ve spent not realizing I could have what I want. That someone could have their stuff but that it doesn’t threaten the relationship.
She can express herself and they can laugh it’s not an immediate threat. What a world to live in. I have felt threatened by everything so much of my life. Mostly scarcity, being a burden, that what I want doesn’t exist for me, too much. I’m afraid of being too much and she’s afraid of not being enough.
Fear is the great separator. I refuse to be separated from my priorities, my dreams, my future, my self, love, and everything else I want. It’s not an option for me.
It’s not an option for me.
My world is calm today. I had to nurse my way back from nausea, body pain, a migraine, and sadness this morning. My little comforts brought life back into me and hope. I keep moving and that gives me hope. When life brings me to my knees I get back up and keep going. And I admire the hell out of that. There’s a lot worse things and ways to deal with things than facing them head on with courage and truth, despite all the triggers and scar tissue.
My nose is cold like a puppy. I just warmed it with my hand. I breathe into it and the warm air cupped in my hand surrounds it in warmth. The magnolia trees are smiling at me from the backyard. I know they won’t be with me long, that this beauty and friendship is quite fleeting, and I know they will be back next year, and perhaps with each passing I’ll value their presence a little bit more.
I think of Glennon and Abby and Paul and Adam’s mom and all the blended families that make a mosaic out of the broken pieces and I have hope in my heart. Hope to trust the process and not work myself to death to be seen or understood. That I understand that what is meant to be will arrive and be present and accessible if my work with myself is in alignment.
I’m allowed my wants and needs and I’ll never feel bad about those or who I am. And that awareness that is finally able to be embodied and not just stated firmly with no follow through, gives me all the hope in the world.
My future is bright and hopeful and I have a lot to offer the world and partnership and my children, and my self. And this is not anywhere I’d ever believed I would find myself…..
And that is like magic……
Edit: because I hadn’t finished the book yet and now I have. Now I’m sitting in a puddle of my own tears in a very comfortable spot with aunt Annie’s pretzel bites with the bad for you cheese sauce. Somebody was asking me recently about comfort foods and I missed these little guys.
My daughter and her boyfriend picked them up for me. I can’t believe how grown my daughters are….
They have the real thing I think, my daughter and her boyfriend. The way the talk to one another and treat each other. All the skeptical thoughts want to come in about their age and being realistic. But in this moment I wonder if I haven’t done something really right after all. What if I gave them everything they need to go after what they want and the security to maintain. What if I did something right ?!
They (my kids) are certainly evidence of this. I think I might have actually done what I set out to accomplish with them. Instead of seeing myself how I’ve been stuck doing all these years….
At the end of the book Adam, who is writing to his therapist the whole time, finally tells his therapist what they mean to him. After being sarcastic and pushing away…. he says to his therapist, “I want yoy to know that I get that reading whatever is on my mind isn’t an easy thing for someone to do. It probably changes you a little, having to get into people’s heads every day.” Yes it does Adam.
I felt seen. I feel seen.
Maya helps Adam realize that his hallucinations are a part of him, particularly Rebecca. Maya suggests Adam comfort Rebecca. “Maya she’s not real! “She needs you and she’s a part of you, Maya said simply.” “Stop punishing yourself for something you can’t control.”
And ugly crying….
“You mean stop punishing her.” It’s the same thing remember?”
This is my why of wanting to write. Wanting to commit to the sacred practice of story having the power to show people to themselves and to make them feel things. To create and bring awareness and so many other things.

*where the magic happens* the writing don’t be ridiculous;)
Ps I think I need a nightstand lol. Though I like the simplicity for now. I’ll know when I’m ready for those steps. Right now I’m in between….. and that’s ok.