The Only Reliable Narrator is Life Itself

That thing is happening again… the one where I have blog posts streaming beautifully through my brain until I sit down to try and capture it onto the page. Like a skittish rare animal that can only be seen at a particular time of day under certain conditions. Sigh. That’s only because you’re out of practice Christina. Just get back up that’s all you have to do. It doesn’t have to be perfect just get up and try, and keep getting up and trying. That’s it, that’s the secret.

Today is the eve of a day that marks a change, a before and an after. You never know on the day itself that your life will suddenly never be the same, and in this case you can’t go back and you can’t go forward, you must go through, until …. until when I don’t know, just until. Until and all the unknown that comes with it is very frustrating for me right now. I suppose that is what I am in need of mastering.

I was going through my camera roll this morning, through 44,000 some odd photos. They are filled with captured moments, including many screen shots of conversations (my particular brand of insanity), songs on the radio at the time, scenery, and my emotions. It’s like viewing a documentary of my life and as I scroll I am in awe of what an adventure I have created. Most days I wouldn’t describe it like this, but when I look from the outside I have a big life. Isn’t that what I wanted? Am I not in the midst of creating everything I ever wanted? How I will weave all of that together, maybe it already is, and it’s more about being able to step back and view it as the story that is already visible, and not a chaotic jumbled mess.

What came before me was a chaotic jumbled mess, but perhaps I have turned that into something beautiful and I just can’t see it because I’m too close. I’m on the inside. What does it look like on the outside? I try desperately to find this. I guess that’s what I am looking for in the pictures. I am looking for the whole story, but I am inside this one so I can’t properly see it. The only reliable narrator is life itself.

Recently I’ve been examining my relationships to movies, why I like what I do, and my habits. If a movie makes me feel something I will watch it repeatedly, and I will most assuredly want you to watch it, so we can have a shared experience. Will you feel the things I do, see them? Of course you won’t because you will see from your experiences, just like I see from mine. My particular brand of longing has always been shared experience, and maybe watching the art of others as portrayed in the movies feels as close as I can get.

This morning what I discovered is that is a comfort thing. This sounds simple, but my life, and my mind is anything but. This made me think of trauma survivors and how much of their life they abandon in exchange for comfort. It’s tragic and also beautiful. I have spent my entire life primarily in search of comfort. Something I was never naturally afforded, privileged with, in a stable and consistent way. Wow that is sad. Sometimes I let that sink in. Sometimes I am still enough to let that sink in, and I hear myself saying to my therapist things like “I am surprised when someone likes me, needs me, considers me”, I am still surprised by that.

How sad is that? How profound is that… everything isn’t profound Christina, the harpy critic chirps. Maybe it is, and maybe we just don’t know in the moment when something profound is happening, and maybe I do… and maybe that makes me weird and awkward and belonging even less than I already did. And maybe that’s just a story. The only reliable narrator is life itself after all, because it’s constantly in motion, we are just not constantly aware. Except for those of us that are, because that became a tool of survival. It became necessary and a part of us outside of our control, something that cannot be turned on and off at will, and that changes our entire existence.

My writer’s mind is on fire lately and my art is bubbling always just beneath the surface, but I am so heavy, like a lead block. I look at my piano and I want to sit there and compose and make art, but my tank is empty. There isn’t any fuel. Frozen and lost, awake and alive, just trying to figure it out. I am in between and upside down, and I keep going inside to recover pieces of me. The work is arduous and I have no idea about until. Until when….

I don’t know…. right now I just need to survive the holidays. Curl up and watch other people’s lives as written by someone else and portrayed on a screen. Comfort. Survival…..

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