This is a post about Divine sensitivity


The misunderstandings of it. The trouble. The gift all of it.

I was driving home yesterday from a trip to Salem with my twins, plus friend and boyfriend.

I do not recommend Salem by the way, not in this season anyway. Disneyland is easier to navigate. We ended up eating Indian food of all things because we couldn’t get into any of the adorable shops or eateries, due to massive crowds and lines.

No thank you. Not even for witchy shit.

One of my twins was saying about how she never knows how to rate her pain when going to a medical professional. I can relate. Which is so interesting because you rate your pain by being able to express how you’re feeling.

So what about for those of us with wounds of expression?

It’s in this stage of life I can see how my traumas have passed to my children. I can see mine even through them. It’s jarring to say the least. It requires a healthy ability to be able to handle the truth, to hold space, to heal. Rather than going into a spiral of guilt, fear, despair.

I would say the most influential work helping me to achieve this is understanding consciousness and the energy it vibrates at. How courage moves us into a new level and more able to eventually achieve actualization.

Letting Go by David R. Hawkins and his maps of consciousness.

So during this conversation they were commenting only from what they have been taught about a time their brother as a young child went to the emergency room for acute stomach pain. He was in ultimate distress. So much so that they called a surgical team assuming his appendix had perhaps burst and gave him morphine right away.

It ended up he had some very bad gas. Which by the way can also cause acute pain. And most importantly none of us knew what was happening. It is natural to seek help and support for pain like that.

No labels of dramatic necessary.

We are healing wounds of being critical in our family at this time.

I am finding the words to share to soothe. The salve.

My hyper vigilance and trauma led me constantly to scanning my environment for threat. It also led me into relationships where I was mistreated and I mistreated right back.

Things I am not proud of. There are plenty.

The only thing that helps is to heal. To make amends. And this is the journey I’ve been on for several years now. Figuring out what supports this work, and what doesn’t.

Getting into my own channel. Channeling.

Ultimate healing.

Anyway I wrote my daughter this morning owning and sharing about what healing I want for us. To be less critical of self and other, without losing an ounce of heart discernment which is very important.

The sensitivity is not the problem.

Pain is the problem. The problem is the problem.

Sensitive is strong and beautiful.

Boundaries are a different matter. The more secure those are the easier the healing journey will be. No more all or nothing.

Heart opening is the work I’m continually doing. Telling others what to do less, listening more. Listen this is absolutely a work in progress. I’m in recovery. I’m not perfect.

But my god I love the journey. Even with its tough moments.

At some point you crest a hill and get a glimpse of the water, when you’ve been walking in the desert.

More and more glimpses of what is possible.

You are possible. I am possible.

On an earthly note I need to walk before doing my writing immersion.

This next couple of weeks will be a series of timing vaccines and pills in safety prep for Bali departure.

I can’t believe I’ll be where my spirit mother first journeyed and later again on her healing journey.

❤️🫶🏼 all my love,


Love heals hurt hurts : “Now that you don’t have to be perfect you can be good.”

One of the greatest agents of change in my healing work has been David Hawkins work. Letting Go. How to put the guard down.

Love is what woke me up.

Misunderstanding leveled me, ground me to powder.

I yelled I shouted

I wasn’t understanding you either

My understanding was off line

My most egregious of

Sins have been

Misunderstanding of the self

Now don’t get me wrong I understood more than either of us gave me credit for. But I could not hold space under conditions like that.

That’s too much to ask of anyone

Figuring that out includes me acknowledging what was too much that was asked of me as a child.

Things no child should ever see or know

How does one let go of that

I don’t know

but I am

I am here

I am tireless in my pursuit and sometimes that turns me insensitive in ways I never would be

Under different conditions


A gentle embrace

Be it if you want it

So now my heart can practice opening

Less anemone

Less turtle

More jaguar

More lion

Less sharp teeth

Only a sharp mind

Less sharp tongue

More silence

More softness

Meet me here

I had the right idea that one day

On the beach

Problem was so many things

Out of my control

I am in it now and I like it here

In the land of stability

Not always

Nothing is perfect

Especially me

But as he said

“Now that you don’t have to be perfect

You can be good”

I want to be good

Grounded practice

And learning a love

I wasn’t given

I call this the almost impossible

Because it almost is

This makes me love

Almost’s rather than

Hating them

We almost had it all

We do

I do



